How do I remove Calcium deposits from my tiles?

Maintaining and cleaning your tiles regularly will help prevent any build-up of calcium deposits. But all too often, most people neglect this and have to go through the process of cleaning them and removing any deposits that have built up over time. Areas that usually have a higher chance of having calcium deposits build up are in and around the swimming pool, the kitchen, bathroom, and outdoor patio, and not cleaning these areas can lead to the tiles becoming damaged and can be a costly exercise to replace them.

Take a look at the various methods below on how you can remove calcium deposits from your tiles.

Method 1 – Vinegar and Baking Soda Paste

Step 1: Make a smooth paste of white vinegar and baking soda in equal portions in a container. Make the paste viscous to avoid running while you spread it. The baking soda loosens calcium deposits due to its abrasiveness. The two ingredients exchange their molecules to form bubbles of carbon dioxide that dissolve calcium deposits.

Step 2: The next step is to spread the paste on the tiles that contain the calcium deposits and leave it for about a quarter of an hour. Applying the paste in a circular motion will help to make the deposit loose.

Step 3: Use a stiff brush with firm bristles, such as an electric toothbrush, to scrub the tiles. Be thorough in your scrubbing so that you remove all of the calcium that has built up, but be careful of any delicate designs or patterns as they can damage those.

Step 4: The final step is rinsing the tiles with clean water. Wipe the surface using a clean towel or squeegee to get rid of all water that may remain and retain some calcium deposits.

Method 2 – Vinegar soak

Step 1: Soak the entire area that has the calcium deposits with vinegar for about five minutes. Scrub with a sponge or brush and rinse the surface with plenty of water. You may also opt to soak a rag in vinegar and place it on the tiles to ensure that you cover the entire area rather easily and effortlessly. If you do opt for the rag soaked in vinegar, it would be best to leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing with water.

Method 3 – Micro-Abrasive cleaner

A micro-abrasive cleaner is a slightly abrasive powder that is efficient for cleaning tile surfaces.

Step 1: Make a paste by mixing equal volumes of water and micro-abrasive cleaner. Spread the paste on the tiles with calcium deposits and leave the paste for a quarter of an hour.

Step 2: Using a moist rug or sponge, rub the powder paste over the tile until you get rid of all stains. Repeat pouring the powder and rubbing until the tiles look new or retain their original color.

Step 3: Finally, don’t forget to rinse with clean water and wipe with a clean towel so that the calcium doesn’t come back any time soon.

Method 4 – Lemon juice

Lemon juice is another active ingredient for tile cleaning including mosaic tiles. You can use lemon juice instead of both hydrochloric acid (discussed below) and vinegar. You only need to give lemon juice some more time after pouring it on stained tiles and follow the same steps in methods one to three above.

Method 5 – Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric Acid should only be used as a last resort and be handled with extreme care. It’s best to use gloves and protective equipment when using this. Be sure to also find out if the tile can handle the acid as it may damage the design or eat away at the cement holding the tile in place.

Step 1: We recommend that you use a product that contains acid rather than applying hydrochloric acid itself. Such products as tile cleaner are less harmful and corrosive.

Step 2: Hydrochloric acid needs proper handling, or else it will damage your tiles and grout as well. If the acid is diluted, you can apply it directly to the stained tiles or dilute it as per the manufacturer’s instructions before application. Allow the reaction to take place as per the instructions before scrubbing with a sponge. Wear personal protective equipment like masks and gloves when handling acid because it can emit dangerous fumes. Ensure proper aeration of the room where you are cleaning using acid by opening windows and turning on fans.

Step 3: Like the other methods above, make sure you properly rinse the tiles with clean water and dry up any excess water that may have stayed behind to ensure that your tile is clean.

Having your tile looking their best at all times is tough work, but with regular cleaning and preventative measures, you’ll be proud of the home you stay in. Guests will also be happy to walk barefoot around the house or take a dip in that well-maintained swimming pool with the decorative swimming pool mosaic tiles.